New! Discipleship Unveiled Podcast

We are very excited at In The Cool Zone to be adding the Discipleship Unveiled podcast to our discipleship aresnal! There are different styles of learning. Reading is great for some and listening can work better for others. We want to serve as many learning styles as we are able for disciples of Jesus. Thus, Discipleship Unveiled is born and a welcome addition to the family. Please, enjoy this new tool and Like and Share to help spread the Gospel and effective disciplship! Listen to "A Disciples Perspective" on Spreaker. Take Action! How do I get a discipleship perspective? There is a three-fold action plan that gets one moving forward with knowing their Lord and Savior and walking in the process of being transformed by the renewing of the mind. Prayer, reading the Bible and connecting with a seasoned Christian! These action steps set a disciple up to move forward with a clear plan and a new mindset. They seem like easy practicle steps but you'll...